Ms. Blanka Kamila is the CEO and Founder of Max Mind Self Development, but most importantly, your #1 supporter.
I care about you living your wildest dreams more than anything else, and know that Max Mind will help you achieve exactly that; whether that's through 1:1 coaching with me, exclusive group coaching, our 80+ page e-books, or our library of free resources.
My Story
Who cares about what I've been through when we can speak about what you're about to go through?!
This is your story, and thanks to Max Mind's extremely personalised programs, your story will be written by you, and we're here to help you bring it to life. I'm passionate about helping people like you, I know because I was once just like you. Destined for more but unsure where to start. Far from closing the gap between your current life and dream life. Telling people about your goals and dreams, before embarrassing yourself because you didn't even start. Perhaps you need to fix a broken habit, or maybe you feel the need to 'fix' yourself. Or maybe you're so determined and want to achieve the most you possibly can before your life is over. Either way you want something big, and you've found the one and only person who can help you do exactly that, because once upon a time she was just like you.
I'm here to help you identity shift and teach you every single thing you need to know about how your brain works, and how you can utilise that information to live your dream life. I want to hear your problems and help you solve them, and dedicate my time and knowledge to befriending and training you to become the highest, and most fulfilled version of yourself.
To your inevitable success and the life of your dreams,
Blanka Kamila

the ways to work with me
I coach both of Max Mind's courses. The Society, elite group coaching; and Maxed Mind, 1:1 coaching. So whether you want to reprogram your subconscious mind and unlock extreme potential, or your goal is to swiftly shift habits and routine, these courses are made for you, and your success.
The society
Unlock incredible physical and mental performance through subconscious mind reprogramming, featured in this group course.
Rewrite your life on your own terms with 'join anytime' and 'cancel anytime' options.
Reach rapid success and witness growth like you've never seen before with constant CEO contact access, two ebooks - 204 pages total, and resources guaranteed to boost your identity shift to your highest self.
Don't waste your time.
Find out more now.
Maxed mind
You. The CEO. 8 Weeks. Success.
Enjoy the 8-week process of elite 1:1 coaching for extraordinary personal evolution.
Know me, and let me share all of my knowledge with you. Whatever problems you are facing, whatever goals you have, whatever things you want to change in your life; consider it done.
With Max Mind 1:1 coaching, you successes are worked towards daily - for as long as needed.
Are you ready for the life of your dreams?
This is all you will ever need.
Considering maxed mind?
Get in touch today with my wonderful team for course recommendations!